Hi I'm Menion this section of the page is about me...

Hi I'm Menion,but mah name's Dakotah,oi I bet your thinking "wow good for him"Well you know what you can go f....Well anyways this is all about me so like I'm gonna have pics and some other shit so if u dont know anbout me and want to for some strange reason u have come to the right place.


Breif Description: I'm 17 (but not for long!!!)I live in Arizona, yay...I like music that dosent suck (Nine Inch Nails!!!)I'm fascinated with driving fast,and playing with my computer YAY! What an exciteing life 'eh?Uhm lets see.I work at The Great Indoors I'm new there but its pretty kule..Thats about all I feel like telling you.


Heres some pics of me.

Newest pics!

Does this look natural to you?Me either.

This is me well...u get the idea.(this one is old)

From left to right:Wil,me,Josie,and Billy

Heres my car (The Twinkie)UPDATE: The engine blew out, my poor baby. =o(

Heres a few of the things that interest me...

Nine Inch Nails (My favorite band)

The Militia and the Anti-Government Revolution

Sex Sex is really kule!!


Ok thats it for now click here to go back to the main page