Stuff I hate...

This is a list of things I really hate!(in no particular order)

Theese arent in any order but first on my mind is that I really hate sprite

Second of all I hate the government....Holy hell do I ever hate the government!!!!More on how much I hate the government comming soon!!!!

I hate people!!!Espically people in Arizona...Theres always people everywhere i go.I go to the mall:People,go to a resturant:people...I go for a walk...guess what I find?FUCKING PEOPLE!!!There everywhere,and 5 out of 7 times there really stupid people.FU PEOPLE!!!

Like I was saying above....Well I hate Arizona,its hot,theres scorpions,theives,and illegal immigrants all over the fucking place...And when it rains it really smells like shit!!

I hate Titanic&Leonardo Dicaprio,titanic sucked and Leo is a damn sissy ass if u ask me.

(Heres the first I have recived of what other people hate c/o Enchantress Kikkin AKA Kristin) I hate stuff too. Like: snobby bitches, children with sugar, homework n school, dog shit in the yard, wet patio furniture, wet towels, dog slobber, kitty puke, spanish rice, flat pop (soda for all you gay ones), annoying geek people, man stealers, ppls laughs that are loud and obnoxious, ppl who talk loud, ppl who wont leave you alone when you tell them off, smelly ppl, ppl that have hygene problems, ppl in general, inproper grammar, christians who try to convert others, contridictive ppl, promises broken, mayonaise, burgers that have sat on the heater at McDonalds for awhile, stale fries, colds, food on the keyboard, ppl who think they know everything, ppl that know nothing, scanners that dont work, the fact that you have no food in the house and you havnt eaten in 24 hours+, slush, siblings, dissappointment, the smell of spring (aka unthawing dog shit smell), static cling, ex's that never let go, stalkers, weak coffee, stir fry, algebra and any type of mathematics, ppl with really bad breath, close-minded people, having no coherant thoughts, greasy potato chips, the government, cigars with overwhelming aroma, insecure people, bird poop on a freshly washed and waxed car, photo developing chemicals, men that say you're hot every two seconds, dry skin, oblivious moments, automaton days, hot weather, "perfect people", deadlines, being scolded for masachism, age regulations on narcotics, did i say government yet?, when ppl yell at you to wake up when you're sleeping so well, church, commercials, frozen pizza, skim milk, 7 up, "sweet spaghetti", fire ants, rotting carcasses that have been left by lazy hunters, undefined pain throught your body, bright and sunny mornings, nails on chalkboard, styrofoam against styrofoam, the taste when stainless steel touches tin-foil, gay 80's-early 90's music, ppl afraid of the new millenium, old ppl bent on tradition that makes no sense, ignorant mothers, rumors, when your legs go numb, crafts, gaudy perfume and clothes, meatloaf, pessimests, ppl that never give up, the color pink, beef & pork ribs, pork n beans, frozen peas, frozen corn, frozen vegtables, ppl that take medicine for everything, doctors, hospitals, country music, dull pencils, tempra paint, blue jays, annoying neighbors, blowing the chance of a lifetime, awkward moments, hang nails, cold fingers, boredness, stress, when you cant think. much much much more to add

Heres some "I hate stuff" stuff from TeChNo_QuEeN

<^>What I Hate<^>
i hate sleepies in your eye, i hate morning breath, i hate men, i hate sour pussy, i hate getting all horney andtoo tired to masterbate, i have chipper people, i hate shitty music, i hate when you think faster then you type and end up sounding like a fuck face, i hate it when people ask A/S/L?, i hate racist people, i hate jealous people, i hate people who think they are better then you and dumb as shit, i hate when its really cold and your nose turns red, i
hate when your feet fall asleep and tingle when you move them, i hate stupid people, i hate dildos, i hate penises (you never know if they are clean or not), i hate chicks who make you wait for a year to eat them
out and then it tastes like Sour Patch Kids kandy, i hate when you paint your nails and it flakes off minutes later, i hate rammbling grandmothers, i hate death, i hate hangovers, i hate not being able to
fly : ( , i hate slow things, i hate money, i hate when you have a hole in something inflateable and you super glue it and still doesnt werk, i hate when you super glue your fingers, i hate fake nails, i hate posers, i hate unhappy people, i hate when people hang all over some chick and she aint hot shit, i hate rude people, i hate nazis, i hate pro basketball players, i hate when shitting gum loses flaver after 20 chews, i hate cottonmouth, i hate when your favorite pet dies, i hate when the washer steals your panties, i hate the stench of bleach, i hate when the pizza crust in the middle is not cooked and the rest is crisped
shit, i hate peeping toms, i hate old crush's, i hate when the VCR eats the best tape in the world, i hate power outages, i hate bills, i hate CD's that skip, i hate the way it smells after long, hot, sex, i hate the feeling that you get when you know you have to puke, i hate people with nuthing but celulite, i hate puting up the christmas tree, i hate
traditions, i hate when you dream that you are on the toilet and feel a sudden warmth, i hate charlie horses, the sound of glass breaking, i hate homophobic people, i hate when the VCR constantly flashes 12:00 and
you cant fix it cuz you stole the fucking thing, i hate when the cable goes out for no reason, i hate when toilets run, i hate people with bad B.O, i hate when batteries run out, i hate the sound of tearing paper, i
hate the sound of tin foil, i hate when you get a piercing pulled out, i hate bad sex, i hate paper cuts (its only paper, but it hurts like no tomorrow) , i hate baggy pants that are kik ass but make you look hellishly fat, i hate the back button, i hate when mormons knock on your door at like 4:00am, i hate the Avon lady, i hate it when animals shed, i hate it when you arrange furniture and the plug just wont reach to the socket, i hate ant bites, i hate it when you get sunburned, i hate losing everything except yourself in the damn couch, i hate when chicks hit on your man/woman  yeah like they dont see you standing there, i
hate cat piss, i hate guys who dont wear at least 3 items of make-up, i hate when the toaster pops up and scares the holy shit out of you, i hate palm trees, i hate the smell of Febrese, i hate hearing a cricket in your house and never able to get it and smash its little singing ass, i hate thorny bushes, i hate when you write for like 30 minutes and your
wrist hurts like a bitch, i hate when you see animals fucking, i hate when you get T.H.O (tittie hard on), i hate veiny boobs, i hate when you get food stuck in your chompers and noone tells you, i hate the sound of rocks scraping the tile floors, i hate it when people are extremely nervous, i hate procastinators,
well thats it lol buh bye

Hey Dakotah,

I had to add a few of these here "I hates". Ok heregoes I hate when I get thirsty after I just brushed my teeth and all there is is orange juice. I hate work, customers, incompetent supervisors (Adolph Berber). Pep-Rallys, Area rugs, lint, yuppies, finding empty milk containers in the fridge after I've already poured the cereal, socks that don't match,
getting booted offline(GRRRR!!!), traffic, pedestrians (Go walk someplace else, I'm in a hurry!), I hate it when you realize there isn't any toilet paper and you're already goin', info-mercials, seeing the same commercial twice in a row, when Columbia House says the CD costs $17 but bills you $30. I hate microwave meals that are burned to a crisp on the edges and raw as
hell in the middle. More to come as life goes on.............

Submitted by: Shropshire Slasher

Hey! Do you hate somthing really bad? e-mail me your hated goods and I'll put them up...when I get around to it

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