::This is my "Freinds Page".This page is devoted to all my friends.(And for the last time,to all my friends:There is no order to to this so don't feel bad if you're not on top!!!)::

DarkUncle:AKA BILLY!!!!Billy is my old roomate Click here to see billy

Enchantess`Kikkin: I'm not sure I know what to say about this girl.I could say so much, or so little.She is a good and old friend of mine.Tho we dun always see things the same *grin* But I like her all the same. Here ya go EK!! =o)

Aradia!!!!Aradia is Jamie,shes this pretty girl that keeps being nice to me,and talking to me.I am quite taken with her!!!VROOM!Love ya Jamie! Click here if u wanna see how pretty she is

Seth`Creel,Seth is like Gen.Seth.He really kicks ass and is one of the coolest people I know.Plus he tells the greatest stories!!!*Menion salutes*

DarkestAngel/Engelyn,What can I say!?!?!?Maggie is great,shes sweet and like nice all the time even when everyone else is running around like chickens with there heads cut off.Love 'ya Maggie!click here if you want to goto a deal link to her page!!!

King`Trakx.KT is like the man in charge of all of this pretty much.He founded DarkCastle and is one of my close friends.He don't come around much no more,but he still kicks ass!

Fresa....Dear sweet fresa....Please put down that knife...Fresa is pretty damn kule for a Bash Sister..And shes not as big a bitch as she would have you belive...But still don't piss her off.Vwahahahaha

Star`Lady,SL is like the nicest person in the world..usually..Very funny,She likes the darker side of life at the same time..i couldnt explain her U'd hafta meet her..an u better or i'll kick you in the nuts!..Love ya Nellerz!

Leilia....Or better yet,LIZZARD!!!!!!Leilia is me' Lizzard,she be the sweetest bitch I ever met,she can be all sweet and cuddely one minuite,and the next minuite she'll cut off yer' toes and feed them to you...The scary part is u will like it!Vwahahahaha


Gavin,VIN!!!!.Gavin is like this kule guy that used to come to #DarkCastleWe always raise hell and "violate" stupid people...And Gavin and I both really,really smell bad.Im serious!!!!*phew*

DarkRaven: New to Dark castle but catching on fast. And quite an addition to my list of subversion. She is proving to be my best student yet.*grinz* Welkyme to my Garden of Subversion Rea, where nothing ever grows and the sun dosent shine all day.

Dragoon_1st: Chris is a good and long time friend of mine.He is one of the late night trouble makes that hangs around with me in the wee hours of the night.Ok ur in chris!!YAYAYA!!

Queen`Chalandra,Shes pretty nice I guess a little insurrectionate but I guess we're going to keep her,she can really do good laundry,and dishes!!


Kefka:Where u at?

Ablaze!!!!JESSSSS OI YAYAYAY!! WHAT U CALL ME?? Uhm Jess is uhm *is suddenly kidnapped by jess and dragged off,and sold to a petting zoo*

Katt&Leo: Don't they just wanna make u brush ur teeth?

Patrick`Sterling,Uhm PJ is like a big ass giant guy,and like I dunno he is a tweeker if I ever met one,but like he's kule and and shit,and if u dont like him he is liable to step on you!

Khaotix,Dillon is very intelligent,and can be fun at times,but like he can be quite the asshole given the propper circumstances ;o)

Rastlin,good guy,aint known him long tho but thats ok,hehe much fun!!!

Richie`Creel RICO!!!!Richie is like a guy and like I dunno if u talk to him ever ask him if he knows any unique ways to masturbate =oD

Exodus,That would be NICK!Hes one of my friends from back home in Oregon,we've been arrested together lived together worked together,you name it hehe,good friend and a good guy to know if you have questions about the Violent Femmes

Zenara,Used to run #VampiresHaven dunno where she went MISS YA ZEN!

Tigerka,this guys pretty allright,but he dun come around no more either =o(

Dragoon_1st,Chris is a kule guy and all that but if ur a girl keep your distance LOL

Reno,what can I say?

Crimsonpyre,AKA LadyNemo very good friend of mine,shes very quick,and funny to boot!*hugs* Carly HIHIHI!!!!

Ambrosia,This is by request I know nothing about her except she dun like SeeD's *shrug* Here u are!!!Goto her page? Update!!:Ambrosia gave me some kick ass graphics for my page she is an excellent deisgner!!!Thank you!!

Feindish_Imp,AKA Munin,AKA Jussin,AKA the sexxies MOFO on earth!!!U have got to love this guy I do *wink*...well when he lets me!!!Hehehe Jussin kicks fucking ass if u dont know him well the you can go fuck yourself YAYAYAJUSSIN!!!!

ninfreak,NINfreak?!?!?U cant beat a name like that,she likes NIN her name is NIN related and shes kule too,hehe*hugs* YAYAYAYAYAY NIN!.............NIN!

LadySamantha,Used to be COS but has made a good recovery,we might have use for you yet Vwahahaha >=oD - SeeD

Aero`Imperial,d00d Aero is a pretty good guy,I like him,he's funny as hell!!AERO!!!@

King`Chi!!!Got that old fashond feeling?LMAO Chi kicks ass one of the funniest people I have ever met,We miss you MON CHI CHI!!!!!COME BACK!

Becka&May20,BAYUM!!Uhm I dont think words are gonna cover theese two *wink* You's just have to meet them.....Then live to tell the story!

OK,this is where the list of this M.I.A. (Missing In Action) are,wich are all of those who have left us,or just disappeared.




Lord Shade

demona (both of them)






Have fun wherever u guys are!

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